The Feldenkrais method : a synthesis of research findings and applications to dance

Gregory S. Kolt

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


    The Feldenkrais Method is a movement-based technique that aims to explore the relationship between movement, physical experience. and development. Specifically, one of its principles relates to heightening awareness of different body parts and experimenting with how these parts could be included in overall movement patterns. As dance is a performing art that is primarily concemed with movement, it is reasonable to assume that the FM might have useful applications. To date, only a small body of empitical research has investigated the etlicacy of the Feldenkrais Method. Much of the '"evidence" of its application has been based on poorly designed case studies and anecdotal evidence. No published literature has evaluated the use of the Fe!denkrais Method in dance training. The purpose of this paper is to review the empirical research on the Feldenkrais Method and to suggest the most useful applications to dance.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalJournal Australia New Zealand Dance Research Society
    Publication statusPublished - 2001


    • Feldenkrais, Moshé, 1904-
    • dance
    • movement
    • therapy


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