The gendered battlefield : creating feminist spaces in military places

Donna Bridges, Debbie Horsfall

    Research output: Chapter in Book / Conference PaperChapter


    We are both what could loosely be described as pacifist women. We belong to peaceful activist organisations; we have taught subjects at university that focus on peace studies. We have joined marches for peace in Australia and overseas, signed petitions, refused to smack our children, and helped write policies against bullying. We have tended to hang out with other like-minded women and we have held the belief that patriarchy, by definition, is violent: that the way the patriarchal system maintains its global dominance is primarily through aggression and/or the threat of aggression. We have known each other now for 15 years, but in the context of this chapter we came together as PhD candidate (Donna) and supervisor (Debbie). The research Donna undertook as part of her PhD (Bridges, 2005)., a qualitative study using feminist methodology about the experience of women with the masculine culture of the Australian Defence Force (ADF), forms the bedrock of this chapter. The chapter is about the benefits and challenges involved in a working relationship created by us as university academics and the organisation of the ADF.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationCreative Spaces for Qualitative Researching: Living Research
    EditorsJoy Higgs, Angie Titchen, Debbie Horsfall, Donna Bridges
    Place of PublicationNetherlands
    Number of pages10
    ISBN (Electronic)9789460917615
    ISBN (Print)9789460917592
    Publication statusPublished - 2011


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