The Human Communication Science Virtual Lab : a repository microclimate in a rapidly evolving research-ecosystem

Peter Sefton, Dominique Estival, Steve Cassidy, Denis Burnham, Jared Berghold

    Research output: Chapter in Book / Conference PaperConference Paperpeer-review


    ![CDATA[The Human Communication Science Virtual Lab (HCS vLab) represents a new kind of data driven research collaboration environment which has at its heart a repository of human communication data, drawn from research collections in a broad range of fields including speech science, speech technology, computer science, language technology, behavioural science, linguistics, music science, phonetics, phonology, and sonics and acoustics. The repository contains text, audio and video data as well as annotations which describe the data, with a discovery search/browse interface. But this is not a just a repository project - the main function of the lab is to provide a platform for doing things with data in ways that were previously difficult, via a rich programming interface (API), and via a workflow engine which allows a large cross-disciplinary research community to run combinations of tools on the data held in the repository in a reproducible way. The presentation will cover vLab’s genesis as an Australian Government funded project consisting of a dozen universities and institutions led by the University of Western Sydney, with development provided by Intersect NSW. We will provide a walk-through of the functionality of the lab including showing how familiar repository functionality such as search-and-browse is linked to the creation of stable, citable collections known as “item lists”, and how item lists can be processed and analysed in various ways using linguistic parsers, acoustic and phonetic analysis, and visual processing and how this fits in to the research lifecycle including how data and publications will be linked and cited, and explore the relationship between the lab and other scholarly infrastructure such as institutional repositories.]]
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationOpen Repositories 2014: Towards Repository Ecosystems, 9-13 June 2014, Helsinki, Finland
    PublisherNational Library of Finland
    Number of pages4
    Publication statusPublished - 2014
    EventOpen Repositories -
    Duration: 9 Jun 2014 → …


    ConferenceOpen Repositories
    Period9/06/14 → …


    • research
    • data processing
    • research lifecycle
    • Hydra
    • Fedora


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