The influence of visual cues on temporal anticipation and movement synchronization with musical sequences

Ian D. Colley, Manuel Varlet, Jennifer MacRitchie, Peter E. Keller

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

20 Citations (Scopus)


Music presents a complex case of movement timing, as one to several dozen musicians coordinate their actions at short time-scales. This process is often directed by a conductor who provides a visual beat and guides the ensemble through tempo changes. The current experiment tested the ways in which audio-motor coordination is influenced by visual cues from a conductor's gestures, and how this influence might manifest in two ways: movements used to produce sound related to the music, and movements of the upper-body that do not directly affect sound output. We designed a virtual conductor that was derived from morphed motion capture recordings of human conductors. Two groups of participants (29 musicians and 28 nonmusicians, to test the generalizability of visuo-motor synchronization to non-experts) were shown the virtual conductor, a simple visual metronome, or a stationary circle while completing a drumming task that required synchronization with tempo-changing musical sequences. We measured asynchronies and temporal anticipation in the drumming task, as well as participants' upper-body movement using motion capture. Drumming results suggest the conductor generally improves synchronization by facilitating anticipation of tempo changes in the music. Motion capture results showed that the conductor visual cue elicited more structured head movements than the other two visual cues for nonmusicians only. Multiple regression analysis showed that the nonmusicians with less rigid movement and high anticipation had lower asynchronies. Thus, the visual cues provided by a conductor might serve to facilitate temporal anticipation and more synchronous movement in the general population, but might also cause rigid ancillary movements in some non-experts.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)190-200
Number of pages11
JournalActa Psychologica
Publication statusPublished - 2018


  • chaotic behavior in systems
  • motor ability
  • synchronization


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