The long road to effective court interpreting : international perspectives

Uldis Ozolins

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


While judicial systems and processes differ significantly around the world, providing effective language services has faced very similar obstacles across different jurisdictions. Whether judicial authority is based on constitutional interpretation, or common law or codified systems, interpreting services in most jurisdictions are still poorly developed and coordinated. Provision of interpreting through such mechanisms as the Court Interpreters Act in the US are examined, as well as in common law systems without legislative basis, and the European attempt to standardise provision of legal interpreting in the EU member states. Improvements have been brought about by different actors – at times magistrates and judicial efforts, at times interpreter activism, at times more general political moves, or even the consequences of wider provision of language services not originating from the legal systems. It is important to foster alliances between interpreting interests and champions within the legal system to bring about meaningful change.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)98-115
Number of pages18
JournalLanguage and Law=Linguagem e Diretito
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2016


  • courts
  • translating and interpreting


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