The Offender and Drug Treatment: Making it Work Across Prisons and Wider Secure Environments

Nat Wright, David Marteau, Jan Palmer

Research output: Book/Research ReportAuthored Book


Recently healthcare provision in prisons and other custodial settings has received increasing international attention as it has become apparent that the standard of care has not been equivalent to that offered typically in community health services. Many prisoners have a history of drug dependence; yet apart from some refreshing exceptions, their health needs are often only partially met when residing in prison. This book has been written to support clinicians, service managers, commissioners and academics seeking to make a positive difference to health care provision for prisoners who have a history of drug use. Our priority has been to write an evidence based text that will facilitate improvements in clinical care delivered by professionals from a wide variety of professional backgrounds. We have referenced the evidence base where it exists and to facilitate ease of reading, wherever possible, percentages have been rounded to the nearest ten percent. Similarly numbers have been rounded. Inevitably however there are areas for which there is not yet a published evidence base and in such situations we have either presented findings from community settings that are applicable to the prison setting or presented consensus views of experts working in the field. The book is primarily targeted towards a UK readership working in prison based clinical practice, although we hope that the content is of interest to an international readership. Unless otherwise stated the reader can assume that research findings are those of UK based studies.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationU.K.
PublisherWright Health Publishing
Number of pages159
ISBN (Print)9780956471901
Publication statusPublished - 2010


  • Great Britain
  • drug abuse
  • mental health services
  • prisoners
  • substance abuse
  • treatment


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