The Pink Poodle, swimming pavilions and Miami Ice

L. Armitage, S. Burgin

    Research output: Chapter in Book / Conference PaperChapter


    The 3 km of golden beach that lap the shores of Surfers Paradise have become synonymous with urban beaches worldwide. Its name was invented, in a stroke of marketing genius, by Jim Cavill who proposed the name 'Surfers Paradise' and pipped the previous preferred title of 'Sea Glint' for this beachside hideaway. Jim Cavill also built the first hotel in Surfers Paradise, in 1933, and subsequently his Surfers Paradise Zoo. However, it was not until the late 1950s and through the 1960s that the ribbon development of the Gold Coast increased rapidly. Many motels, guesthouses and holiday homes were built during this period, an era of expansion that subsequently shaped today's Gold Coast. While some of the original buildings remain (e.g. bathing pavilions, original motels and the high-rise building, Kinkabool), many have been demolished. For example, many of the post-war Gold Coast motels (motor-hotels) have been demolished. The best known of these, the Pink Poodle, became synonymous with the Gold Coast's racy and colourful image and was especially popular with honeymooners.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationGold Coast Transformed: From Wilderness to Urban Ecosystem
    EditorsTor Hundloe, Bridgette McDougall, Craig Page
    Place of PublicationClayton, Vic.
    Number of pages9
    ISBN (Electronic)9781486303304
    ISBN (Print)9781486303298
    Publication statusPublished - 2015


    • history
    • heritage
    • Gold Coast (Qld.)
    • Surfers Paradise (Qld.)


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