The provision and utilisation of casemix and demographic data by nursing managers in seven hospitals

Nicole Blay, Judith Donoghue

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

4 Citations (Scopus)


The role of the nursing manager has evolved from clinician and bed manager to one with greater accountability for evidence based practice, benchmarking and more recently, budget liability. Casemix data are widely believed to be a means of providing essential information for effective decision making and financial management but have not been widely utilised by nursing managers (Diers & Bozzo, 1999). This paper will report the results of a survey of nursing managers in seven hospitals within a metropolitan area health service. The hospitals include tertiary referral hospitals, specialist public hospitals and an affiliated public hospital for aged care and rehabilitation services. The survey sought to establish what casemix and related data were provided to nurse managers, who provided these data and how supplied data were utilised by the nurse managers. Results demonstrated that the majority of nursing managers surveyed received minimal (if any) casemix and/or demographic data on a routine basis. Some were provided with data in response to specific requests. The information that was provided varied both within and across hospitals, and no consistent methods of data distribution were available. Few nursing managers believed that the information provided aided their decision-making processes partly due to the minimalist nature of provided data while some nursing managers demonstrated a lack of understanding of the potential benefit of casemix data as a resource to support management decision making.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)215-224
Number of pages10
JournalAustralian Health Review
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2003


  • Australia
  • decision making
  • knowledge management
  • nurse administrators
  • public hospitals


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