The relationship between parents' enjoyment of parenting and children's school motivation

Andrew J. Martin

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


    This paper examines parents' perceptions of their child's school- related motivation and their enjoyment of parenting. Drawing on Martin's (2003) Student Motivation Wheel, 10 facets of motivation were explored. These facets comprised six motivation boosters (self-belief, value of schooling, learning/mastery focus, planning, study management, persistence), two motivation mufflers (anxiety, failure avoidance), and two motivation guzzlers (uncertain control, self-sabotage/self- handicapping). Parents rated girls significantly higher than boys in value of schooling, learning focus, planning and study management. Of the boosters, children's persistence was the strongest predictor of respondents' enjoyment of parenting. Of the mufflers, failure avoidance was the strongest (negative) predictor of parenting satisfaction. In terms of guzzlers, uncertain control was the strongest (negative) predictor of respondents' enjoyment of parenting. Compared with mothers' enjoyment of parenting, fathers' satisfaction in their role was more strongly related to their children's school-related motivation.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages18
    JournalAustralian journal of guidance & counselling
    Publication statusPublished - 2003


    • motivation in education
    • parents
    • attitudes
    • research
    • school children
    • parent and child


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