The Return

Roberto Bolaño, Chris Andrews

    Research output: Creative WorksTextual Works


    The Return contains thirteen unforgettable stories that seem to tell what Bolano called “the secret story,” “the one we’ll never know.” Bent on returning to haunt you, Bolano’s tales might concern the unexpected fate of a beautiful ex-girlfriend, or soccer, witchcraft, or a dream of meeting the poet Enrique Lihn:they always surprise. Consider the title story: a young partygoer collapses in a Parisian disco and dies on the dance floor. Just as his soul is departing his body, it realizes strange happenings are afoot around his now dead body ― and what follows next defies the imagination (except Bolano’s own). Translated from the Spanish by Chris Andrews.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationU.S.
    PublisherNew Directions Book
    Size208 pages
    Publication statusPublished - 2010


    • Latin American literature
    • literature
    • translations


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