The shaping of moral development in medical students

Iman Hegazi, Jenny McDonald, Jane Graves, Neeshaan Abrahams, Ryan Thorneycroft

Research output: Chapter in Book / Conference PaperConference Paperpeer-review


![CDATA[Introduction/background: Good medical practice is underpinned by moral judgement therefore; the moral development of medical students should be considered a matter of high priority for medical educators. However, studies have shown that moral development does not occur during medical education and that it, in fact, may plateau or even regress. There is no empirical evidence as to the cause other than that the slowing or regression is coincident with medical students’ exposure to the clinical setting. Aim/objectives: To explore factors contributing to the development, preservation, regression, and segmentation of moral development during the clinical years of medical training. This will be explored through a qualitative study of medical students’ experiences and insights in the clinical setting. Medical students’ experiences and relationships with staff and patients, their personal responses and systems of coping and, their interpretations of moral regression or plateauing will be analysed. Discussion: Understanding the factors that promote, impede or segment moral development in medical students will allow improved strategies for student education, orientation and support. In addition, this will encourage evidence-based strategies for faculty development of hospital clinicians to improve hospital culture and student experience. Issues/questions for exploration or ideas for discussion: Why is there continued growth in moral judgement in non-clinical situations despite faltering of moral development in clinical settings? Is the hospital system transforming the idealistic student to an individual whose moral judgment is motivated by a need to avoid rejection or disapproval from others? Is it appropriate that students show moral judgment reticence until they have achieved clinical competence through experience?]]
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Association for Health Professional Educators 2019 Conference (ANZAHPE 2019), 1-4 July 2019, Canberra, ACT
Number of pages1
ISBN (Print)9780980578799
Publication statusPublished - 2019
EventAustralia and New Zealand Association for Health Professional Educators. Conference -
Duration: 1 Jan 2019 → …


ConferenceAustralia and New Zealand Association for Health Professional Educators. Conference
Period1/01/19 → …


  • medical education
  • moral and ethical aspects
  • medical students


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