The Sociology of Shari'a: Case Studies from Around the World

Adam Possamai, James T. Richardson, Bryan S. Turner

Research output: Book/Research ReportAuthored Book


This edited volume offers a collection of papers that presents a comparative analysis of the development of Shari’a in countries with Muslim minorities, such as America, Australia, China, Germany, Italy, Singapore, South Africa and the Philippines, as well as countries with Muslim majorities, such as Malaysia, Bangladesh, Turkey, and Tunisia. The Sociology of Shari’a provides a global analysis of these important legal transformations and examines the topic from a sociological perspective. In addition, the third part of the book includes case studies that explore some ground-breaking applications of theoretical perspectives such as those from Chambliss and Eisenstadt.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationSwitzerland
Number of pages328
ISBN (Print)9783319096049
Publication statusPublished - 2015


  • legal pluralism
  • Shari'a
  • Islamic law
  • sociology


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