The tactile speed aftereffect depends on the speed of adapting motion across the skin, rather than other spatio-temporal features

Sarah McIntyre, Tatjana Seizova-Cajic, Alex O. Holcombe

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Following prolonged exposure to a surface moving across the skin, this felt movement appears slower, a phenomenon known as the tactile speed aftereffect (tSAE). We asked which feature of the adapting motion drives the tSAE: speed, the spacing between texture elements, or the frequency with which they cross the skin. After adapting to a ridged moving surface with one hand, participants compared the speed of test stimuli on adapted and unadapted hands. We used surfaces with different spatial periods (3, 6, 12 mm) that produced adapting motion with different combinations of adapting speed (20, 40, 80 mm/s) and temporal frequency (3.4, 6.7, 13.4 ridges/sec). The primary determinant of tSAE magnitude was speed of the adapting motion, not spatial period or temporal frequency. This suggests that adaptation occurs centrally, after speed has been computed from SP and TF, and/or that it reflects a speed cue independent of those features in the first place (e.g., indentation force). In a second experiment, we investigated the properties of the neural code for speed. Speed tuning predicts adaptation should be greatest for speeds at or near the adapting speed. However, the tSAE was always stronger when the adapting stimulus was faster (242 mm/s) than the test (30 – 143 mm/s), compared to when the adapting and test speeds were matched. These results give no indication of speed tuning, and instead suggest that adaptation occurs at a level where an intensive code dominates. In an intensive code, the faster the stimulus, the more the neurons fire.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)1112-1121
    Number of pages10
    JournalJournal of Neurophysiology
    Issue number3
    Publication statusPublished - 2016


    • adaptation
    • human beings
    • motion
    • psychophysics
    • touch

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