The Unconventional Strength Towards STEM Cohort

Research output: Book/Research ReportResearch report


Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) play a critically important role in Australia’s ability to innovate, expand and remain a competitive force globally. Indeed, ensuring that the workforce has the relevant skills in sufficient quantities through a reliable educational pipeline is quite challenging and requires an understanding of how these skills are and will be used within the Australian economy. Moreover, successfully delivering these skills for a knowledge economy will depend not only on producing the correct number of graduates but also on the education system supplying graduates from under-utilised groups (i.e. women & indigenous people) and diverse backgrounds. Currently, millions of children and young people are not developing the required skills to participate effectively in STEM environments. Young indigenous and female groups, in particular, are deprived of the opportunities to build their skills, including STEM literacy that is valued towards career progression in traditionally male-dominated fields (i.e. engineering and construction). As this white paper outlines, the challenges are drawn from recent literature, and a comprehensive review of existing initiatives is presented based on the observations of key partners, including Western Sydney University, the Australian government, research sector, industry, policymakers and communities. However, to build the STEM capacity of graduates with the right knowledge, competencies and qualities, two-way collaboration between the communities, educational institutions (from an early age), Australian workplaces and the government is essential, as no single sector can entirely solve the current STEM skills shortage. Western Sydney University is well-positioned within the high-density indigenous areas to respond to these issues, particularly by monitoring, engaging and promoting all graduates with STEM qualifications to meet the demand from the economy. In fact, by supporting equity and diversity throughout the STEM cohorts, educational institutions not only drive innovation but also establish a thriving STEM-skilled workforce that is fit for the future.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationPenrith, N.S.W.
PublisherWestern Sydney University
Number of pages34
Publication statusPublished - 2023


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