Tracing British cultural policy domains : contexts, collaborations and constituencies

Deborah Stevenson, Kieryn McKay, David Rowe

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

    25 Citations (Scopus)


    This paper draws on a larger research project that investigates the networks and institutions shaping cultural policy across national, international and supranational contexts. Taking Britain as its touchstone, it identifies and maps some of the operational relations between culture, governance and nation shaping the development and orientation of contemporary cultural policy. It thus highlights key formal and informal domestic relationships and contexts within which Britain’s local, regional and national cultural policy initiatives are situated. The British context – in which England figures strongly for historical, political and demographic reasons, and so draws a corresponding resistance across other constituents of nation – is shown to be both internally differentiated along various lines, and also embedded in the larger sphere of the European Union that redraws the boundaries of cultural policy and governance. In tracing the contours and interrogating the constitutive elements of Britain’s domains of cultural policy, we seek to provide a foundation for understanding the intersections and influences that exist between fields of cultural governance, and their interdependence and fluidity.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages14
    JournalInternational Journal of Cultural Policy
    Publication statusPublished - 2010


    • European Union
    • cultural heritage
    • cultural policy
    • governance


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