Transdisciplinarity and the 'Living Lab Model' : food waste management as a site for collaborative learning

Alexandra Crosby, Dena Fam, Abby Mellick Lopes

Research output: Chapter in Book / Conference PaperChapter

16 Citations (Scopus)


Transdisciplinary (TD) research is an increasingly recognized theoretical framework for addressing complex, socio-environmental problems involving multiple disciplines and a diversity of societal actors in complex projects. The underlying assumption is that creating effective solutions to complex problems requires exchanging knowledge and experiences among a diversity of disciplines with stakeholders in both public and private spheres (Gibbons et al. 1994; Lang et al. 2012; Neuhauser and Pohl 2014; Westberg and Polk 2015; Robinson 2008; Fam and Crosby 2017). By bringing a variety of different knowledge perspectives to bear, it is assumed that there is a better chance of understanding a problem from the perspectives of those implicated, generating innovation and solutions to complex societal problems (Bammer 2013). In the higher education context, on-campus Living Labs are one way to create an environment that supports TD research. Living Labs bring members of the public, business, government and researchers together to co-create services, systems, technologies and societal solutions. While the Living Lab concept has a range of applications, in this chapter we adopt a model that utilises the built environment of the university campus as a clearly defined educational context for bringing together students, academics, industry experts and campus facilities management in a transdisciplinary form of collaboration. This chapter draws on 2 years of experience by the authors in developing a ‘Transdisciplinary Living Lab’ (TDLL) at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS), where the on-campus food waste management system was used as the context for transdisciplinary learning by third year design students (Fashion and Textiles, Visual Communication, and Product Design).
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationTransdisciplinary Theory, Practice and Education: The Art of Collaborative Research and Collective Learning
EditorsDena Fam, Linda Neuhauser, Paul Gibbs
Place of PublicationSwitzerland
Number of pages15
ISBN (Electronic)9783319937434
ISBN (Print)9783319937427
Publication statusPublished - 2018


  • academic-industrial collaboration
  • example
  • food waste
  • interdisciplinary approach to education
  • interdisciplinary research


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