Translating irony in political commentary texts from English into Arabic

Raymond Chakhachiro

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

    6 Citations (Scopus)


    This paper investigates strategies for the translation of irony in English editorials and feature articles into Arabic. It explores an area that has not been adequately tackled in a linguistic framework either on the individual language analysis level or the translation level. The plan to achieve this consists of five steps: (1) describing lexical, grammatical and rhetorical devices of irony from Arabic and English editorials and feature articles, written in Australia on identical political topics and at the same period; (2) describing the linguistic exponents of the rhetorical devices of irony in English and Arabic; (3) explaining the relation between ironic devices and coherence and text structure; (4) conducting a contrastive analysis based on the findings; and (5) using the findings to suggest strategies for the translation of irony. Several linguistic disciplines and sub-disciplines are invoked for the explanation of the concept of irony, namely, stylistics, discourse, sociolinguistics, behavioural linguistics and psycholinguistics, considering that irony pertains to a 'discourse semantic' field (Van Dijk 1977).
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages25
    Publication statusPublished - 2007


    • Arabic language
    • English language
    • irony
    • political satire
    • translating and interpreting
    • translating into Arabic


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