Treatment experiences of males with an eating disorder : a systematic review of qualitative studies

Priyanka Thapliyal, Phillipa J. Hay

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Research has commonly examined eating disorders (EDs) predominantly in female groups. However, males are a large minority of people with EDs. In view of this, the present paper aimed to investigate and review the experience of treatment and recovery for males with an ED. We carried out a systematic search for qualitative articles focusing on the experiences of treatment and found only four papers which met inclusion criteria. Key themes identified across studies were 1) delays in seeking treatment, 2) clinical features distinctive to males such as drive for muscularity, 3) feminine and other aspects of treatment services, and 4) lack of consensus in views about relevance of sex in treatment. More studies are needed to explore male pathways through treatment and both impediments, but also facilitators, of successful engagement in and response to treatment.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages9
    JournalTranslational Developmental Psychiatry
    Publication statusPublished - 2014


    • eating disorders
    • males
    • treatment


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