Understanding the psycho-social dimensions of schools and classrooms

Nathan Berger, Jennifer Archer

Research output: Chapter in Book / Conference PaperChapter


![CDATA[Psycho-social refers to the connections between psychological and social aspects of human experience. It describes the ways in which people’s cognition, affect, and behavior, in many ways, are a product of the society or culture in which they were raised. Schools and classrooms are sites of intense psycho-social activity because it is here that young people learn to express their thoughts and emotions via interactions with teachers and other students. The importance of these individual and collective psycho-social experiences cannot be understated. The ultimate purpose of schooling is to enable young people to live fulfilling and productive lives within their cultural and social context. Given the broad scope of the term psycho-social, some difficult decisions had to be made about the content of this article. The overriding focus is given to ways in which teachers can enhance the positive psycho-social aspects of their classrooms, with an emphasis on empirical research (or reviews of empirical research) that investigate the experiences of children and adolescents. It proved impossible to cover all potential theoretical and research perspectives. The choice of research perspectives and citations for this bibliography has been guided by salience. In some cases, citations are seminal contributions to their field. In other cases, they represent particularly impactful or interesting findings.]]
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationOxford Bibliographies
Place of PublicationU.S.
PublisherOxford University Press
Number of pages16
Publication statusPublished - 2020


  • schools
  • classrooms
  • social aspects
  • psychological aspects


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