Understandings and Responses to Domestic Violence in the African Great Lakes Communities of Western Sydney

Selda Dagistanli, Nadine Umutoni Wa Shema, Cris Townley, Kerry Robinson, Peter Bansel, Kate Huppatz, Melanie Thomas, Emmanuel Musoni, Jean Pierre Abega

Research output: Book/Research ReportResearch report


The project is a partnership between the Sexualities and Genders Research initiative of Western Sydney University (WSU) and the Great Lakes Agency for Peace and Development (GLAPD). The project is guided by three research questions: what are the views and attitudes of Great Lakes community members in Australia on domestic violence within their communities?; what are the views and experiences of health professionals on domestic violence in the Great Lakes community?; and how can health and welfare responses to domestic violence in the Great Lakes community be improved? We found five overlapping themes to be core to understandings and responses to domestic violence. These were cultural dissonance resulting from migration and displacement; responsibility within and outside of communities; trust; cultural codes of shame and respect; and broader social and structural factors such as racism and socio-economic disadvantage arising from unemployment. Our recommendations were for education within the Great Lakes communities, and of service providers; building trust within Great Lakes communities and between service providers and these communities; and legal sanctions as a last resort.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationPenrith, N.S.W.
PublisherWestern Sydney University
Number of pages25
Publication statusPublished - 2020


  • Great Lakes (Africa)
  • families
  • family violence
  • immigrants
  • intimate partner violence
  • women immigrants


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