Use of natural products for direct anti-atherosclerotic therapy

Alexander N. Orekhov, Igor A. Sobenin, Alexandra A. Melnichenko, Veronika A. Myasoedova, Yuri V. Bobryshev

Research output: Chapter in Book / Conference PaperChapter


Atherosclerosis and vascular disorders, which result from atherosclerosis, represent one of the major problems in the modern medicine and public health. Atherosclerosis is characterized by structural and functional changes of large arteries. The approaches for the treatment of atherosclerosis require at least the prevention of growth of atherosclerotic lesions and reduction in the lipid core mass, which would followed by plaque stabilization. Taken together, these approaches could theoretically result in the regression of arterial lesions. Atherosclerosis develops in the arterial wall and remains asymptomatic until ischemia of distal organs is evident. Therapy of clinical manifestations of atherosclerosis is largely aimed at reducing symptoms or affecting hemodynamic response and often does not affect the cause or course of disease, namely the atherosclerotic lesion itself. Of course, anti-atherosclerotic effects of statins revealed in many prospective clinical trials may be considered; however, statins have never been recognized as the drugs indicated just for direct treatment or prevention of atherosclerosis. They are used predominately in the course of hypolipidemic therapy, and the effects of treatment are estimated by success in reaching the target level of low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, but not the regression of atherosclerotic lesion or intimamedia thickness. The last should be considered as beneficial effect, which is mainly due to pleiotropic mechanisms of action. Atherosclerosis develops over many years, so anti-atherosclerotic therapy should be a long-term or even lifelong therapy. Tachyphylaxis, long-term toxicity and cost amongst other issues may present problems for the use of conventional medications in a long-term. Drugs based on natural products can be a good alternative.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationCurrent Trends in Atherogenesis
EditorsRita Rezzani
Place of PublicationCroatia
Number of pages31
ISBN (Print)9789535110118
Publication statusPublished - 2013


  • adrenergic beta blockers
  • antagonists
  • atherosclerosis
  • calcium
  • natural products
  • nitrates


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