Using curtain flow second-generation silica monoliths to improve separations at pressures less than 400 bar

A. Soliven, S. Pravadali-Cekic, D. Foley, L. Pereira, G. R. Dennis, K. Cabrera, H. Ritchie, T. Edge, R. A. Shalliker

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The performance of a second-generation analytical-scale silica monolith utilizing the curtain flow (CF) column design was studied for the first time. The performance of the CF column was compared to a conventional monolith column under isocratic conditions, and the new column achieved a gain in theoretical plates by as much as 50%, with almost Gaussian bands being obtained (asymmetry factor of 1.02). Detection sensitivity increased by as much as 125% under optimal detection conditions. The sensitivity and performance was also chromatographically compared to a core-shell column under both gradient and isocratic elution for a model compound (polystyrene) and a natural product (coffee sample) with sensitivity gains of up to 365%. The second-generation monolithic CF column is an excellent tool that can be tuned to provide highly efficient, highly sensitive, high-throughput, and low volumetric detection analyses, using conventional HPLC systems.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)68-73
Number of pages6
JournalMicrochemical Journal
Publication statusPublished - 2016


  • active flow technology
  • curtain flow chromatography
  • high performance liquid chromatography
  • silica monoliths


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