Utilising features of sport commentating to provide a framework for co-teaching the online lecture

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Higher education teaching abruptly changed during the COVID-19 pandemic to remote, on-line learning and teaching. The use of on-line communication software to teach became the norm and remains at many institutions. This software contains features, such as the chat, that offer teaching and learning advantages; however, potential benefits can be challenging to realise for academics used to traditional modes of lecture delivery. In most cases a solo-taught lecture designed for a physical room does not transition well to the on-line space. Co-teaching, which involves two or more academics teaching the same class, is a pedagogy that can improve engagement and satisfaction for students and academics alike. However, how co-teaching can transition to the on-line space and take full benefit of the communication software features is not well known. We recognised that some aspects of sports announcing (commentating) align with desirable qualities of co-teaching on-line. In this paper we use these features to develop a practical framework for co-teaching in the on-line space and evaluate the model in a second-year university science subject. Using data from student surveys, we found that the coteaching model helped integrate the chat functionality into the main lecture and led to improved engagement and enjoyment of on-line classes. The model also assisted students in identifying key learning outcomes. Using the framework as a practical guide for how to incorporate co-teaching into online classes helps realise the benefits of contemporary communication software.
Original languageEnglish
Article number05
Number of pages22
JournalJournal of University Teaching and Learning Practice
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2023

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© by the authors.


  • engagement
  • co-teaching
  • team teaching
  • curriculum design


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