Utilising retention correlation for the separation of oligostyrenes by coupled-column liquid chromatography

Michael J. Gray, Gary R. Dennis, Patrick J. Slonecker, Ross A. Shalliker

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

    19 Citations (Scopus)


    The separation of η =2–5 η-butyloligostyrenes has been illustrated by reversed-phase reversed-phase (RP–RP) coupled-column liquid chromatography. The coupled-column separation has been achieved by use of a C₁₈ column with methanol as the mobile phase followed by a DiamondBond C₁₈ column with acetonitrile (ACN) mobile phase. The DiamondBond C₁₈ is a hybrid carbon clad zirconia (CCZ)–C₁₈ stationary phase. Unlike a C₁₈–carbon clad zirconia two-dimensional liquid chromatographic system, which is orthogonal, the C₁₈ and DiamondBond C₁₈ columns combination exhibit correlations based upon the molecular weight of η-butyloligostyrenes. Using an alternative strategy to two-dimensional liquid chromatography, the molecular weight dependence displayed by both the C₁₈ column and DiamondBond C₁₈ has been used to increase throughput or decrease analysis time in the analysis of the η-butyloligostyrenes. However, this is at the expense of a portion of the two-dimensional peak capacity displayed by the C₁₈–carbon clad zirconia system.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages7
    JournalJournal of Chromatography A
    Publication statusPublished - 2005


    • Chromatographic analysis
    • Liquid chromatography
    • Multidimensional chromatography
    • Oligostyrene
    • Separation (Technology)


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