Vortex characteristics of a gas cyclone determined with different vortex identification methods

Zihui Zhang, Sijie Dong, Ruizhi Jin, Kejun Dong, Li'an Hou, Bo Wang

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28 Citations (Scopus)


This paper characterizes the vortex flow field in a gas cyclone based on different vortex identification methods, including vorticity method, Q criterion, λ2 criterion, Ω method and Liutex method. Analysis and comparison of isosurfaces of different vortex identification methods indicate that except vorticity method, the vortex core, the eddy flow and the short-circuit flow can be identified directly by other methods. But the small scale vortices, such as top ash ring, can only be fully recognized by Liutex method. The contours demonstrate that the magnitude of five vortex parameters is the largest in the vortex core, followed by the short-circuit flow, and the eddy flow is the smallest. But only Liutex method can predict the vortex core center and identify the most severe vortex eccentricity is in the bottom of vortex finder, the lower part of the cone and the hopper. The work not only improves the understanding of the vortex structure in a gas cyclone, which can critically affects cyclone performance, but also reveals the differences in the commonly used vortex characterization methods.
Original languageEnglish
Article number117370
Number of pages15
JournalPowder Technology
Publication statusPublished - 2022


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