Water conservation of Pakistan's agricultural, municipal and industrial water

Zahid Majeed, Awais Piracha

    Research output: Chapter in Book / Conference PaperConference Paper


    ![CDATA[Pakistan is located in semiarid to arid region where rainfall is highly deficient and does not match the crop requirements. Agriculture of country is mostly dependent on Indus River System (IRS). IRS maintains World’s largest integrated irrigation network called Indus Basin Irrigation System (IBIS). Like other developing countries the population of cities and municipalities are increasing abnormally. The precious resource of water is scarce in this semi arid country. Pakistan is faced with the challenge of meeting the needs and aspirations of a very large population with very low natural and human resource base. The natural resources including energy and water are scarce in this semi arid country. The water situation is likely to be worsened by melting of glaciers as an outcome of global warming. Rapid development, management and protection of water resources have to be an integral element in a suite of policies to be developed to meet the environmental challenges faced by this country. This paper investigates and argues a case for changing mindset among policy makers and regional planners the water conservation, management and governance practices required in agriculture, municipal and Industrial sectors of the Pakistan can be adopted globally in the developing world based on last 2 decade data and based on the population growth and demographic trends forecast for the year 2025. The results show that water can be conserved by avoiding water pollution due to industries; by controlling population of the cities and municipalities finally the main consumer agriculture can be managed by good irrigation practices along with construction of dams to avert a possible threat due to climate change and population explosion in the country.]]
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of the 4th International Conference on Water Resources and Arid Environments, held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 6-8 Dec. 2010
    PublisherKing Saud University
    Number of pages6
    Publication statusPublished - 2011
    EventInternational Conference on Water Resources and Arid Environments -
    Duration: 1 Jan 2011 → …


    ConferenceInternational Conference on Water Resources and Arid Environments
    Period1/01/11 → …


    • Pakistan
    • water conservation


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