'We Love Sharing Your Land': What Children Say About Acknowledgement of Country Practices in Early Learning Centres

Research output: Book/Research ReportResearch report


This report explores 'Acknowledgement of Country' practices in early education through listening to what children have to say about Acknowledgement practices. This work builds on our existing research with educators, parents and carers of children (Grace et al. 2021). As indicated by the report title, 'We love sharing your land', this research is conducted with predominantly non-Aboriginal children, by non-Aboriginal researchers. The research was conducted in early childhood settings in which both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal practitioners have developed and embedded Acknowledgement of Country practices and guided children in their understandings over time. Important guidance was provided by a steering committee which included Aboriginal members with practitioner and research expertise in early education. We conducted focus groups with children in five early learning centres. We recognise that the children know more about Indigenous knowledges than we were able to elicit or hear during the focus groups. We use these four themes to analyse and report on the conversations with children: Acknowledgement practices; the Land on which we play; First Peoples first; and imagination and play. An important aim of this body of work is to provide research data that informs the development of professional training for educators, particularly non-Aboriginal educators, to support them as they embed Acknowledgement of Country in early learning environments. We aim to make children's understandings visible, for the benefit of other early learning centres. Our recommendations are intended to support and enhance practice. Our recommendations are based on what children told us about the inclusive practice of educators and other staff at all WSUELL centres.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationPenrith, N.S.W.
PublisherWestern Sydney University
Number of pages26
Publication statusPublished - 2023


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