What distinguishes clinicians who better support patients for chronic disease self-management?

Sue E. Kirby, Sarah M. Dennis, Pat Bazeley, Mark F. Harris

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Many frequent readmissions due to acute exacerbations of chronic disease could be prevented if patients self-managed. This study explored factors involved in patient activation for chronic disease self-management by qualitative analysis of interview data from hospital and community-based clinicians and patients. All clinicians reported that many frequently readmitted patients did not readily take up referral to chronic disease self-management services. This reluctance was compounded by system or access barriers. Clinicians who had a defined role in chronic disease management and patient-centred and behaviour change skills reported that although some patients were more resistant than others, patients could be persuaded to adopt self-management behaviours. Hospital clinicians and GPs were more inclined to attribute blame to clinical, social and personal patient factors, such as difficulty with support at home, social circumstances and reluctance to take responsibility. Investment in extending the skills and role of hospital clinicians and GPs to take a more supportive role in patient uptake of referrals to chronic disease self-management services would reduce hospital readmissions. Improvements in access to chronic disease self-management and GP services are also needed to address failure to take up chronic disease self-management.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)220-227
Number of pages8
JournalAustralian Journal of Primary Health
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2012


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