What might the voices of the second generation tell us

Julie Mooney-Somers

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


    When I read the first question in the call for contributions for this special issue of Lesbian & Gay Psychology Review - 'What shapes do queer families take?'- I had an unexpected moment of recognition. I have a queer family of origin (a few years after I was born, my mother and father separated, and my father came out as a gay man). I am also queer (I came out as a lesbian in my teens). I had never thought about my sexuality in intergenerational terms before. I'm second generation queer. I had not at that stage read anything about the experiences of a so-called second generation. The little I have read since researching this piece makes me wonder about the silence around the experiences of the lesbian/gay children of lesbian/gay parent(s). One obvious reason for this silence is the desire not to give ammunition to the enemy.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalLesbian and Gay Psychology Review
    Publication statusPublished - 2006


    • lesbians
    • gays
    • queers
    • sexuality
    • queer families


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