Why anti-homophobia education in teacher education? : perspectives from Australian teacher educators

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


    This paper reports on findings from research currently in progress that examines anti- homophobia education in teacher education courses across New South Wales, Australia. Focusing on one aspect of the broader study, the discussion explores why teacher educators generally considered the incorporation of anti-homophobia perspectives as important to teacher education as well as the various discourses in which these issues were located. It also highlights the changing discursive locations that frame the incorporation of anti- homophobia education across the early childhood, primary and secondary sectors as well as demonstrating how broader sociocultural discourses influence teacher educators' perceptions of the relevance and importance of these issues to teacher training.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalTeaching Education
    Publication statusPublished - 2004


    • New South Wales
    • education and globalization
    • homophobia
    • teacher educators


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