Why is evaluating management development not enough?

Deborah A. Blackman, Patrick J. McGirr, Dennis E. Mortimer, Gordon Stewart

    Research output: Chapter in Book / Conference PaperConference Paper


    ![CDATA[Management development is not meeting its expectations and current research seeks to identify reasons why. It could be argued that this question could be answered by undertaking evaluations of management development programs, however, evaluation models aim to assess whether specific development interventions meet the stated objectives, or whether the curriculum design is appropriate; they are not designed to question any assumptions held by the designers. This paper contends that evaluation alone will not achieve the research aims because it will not reveal the conceptual view of the world held by program designers; nor will it reflect upon the nature of the learning and knowledge being constructed within the management development intervention. The designers' worldview of how knowledge and learning will impact upon how the two concepts are believed to impact, can be developed in organisational settings and then utilised to create improvement. These frame the design for the management development intervention and its potential to be able to transfer the new knowledge into the organisational system. As a consequence, without analysing these worldviews reasons for failure may not be fully understood.]]
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationTeaching, Learning and Research in Institutions and Regions: Proceedings of the 5th Annual Conference of the Pacific Employment Relations Association: PERA 2005
    PublisherPacific Employment Relations Association
    Number of pages15
    ISBN (Print)0975013165
    Publication statusPublished - 2005
    EventPacific Employment Relations Association. Conference -
    Duration: 15 Nov 2010 → …


    ConferencePacific Employment Relations Association. Conference
    Period15/11/10 → …


    • management
    • study and teaching (higher)
    • management development
    • evaluation
    • organizational change
    • organizational learning


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