Widening Access to Medicine: A Realist Review

Emma Bartle, Sandra Carr, Rebecca Olson, Lise L. Mogensen, Sarah Hyde, Nicole Shepheard, Wendy Hu, Alexia Pena, Philip Roberts, Natalie Downes, Scott McCoombe, Jennifer Cleland

Research output: Book/Research ReportResearch report


The under-par7cipa7on of students from disadvantaged popula7on groups in medical educa7on reflects broader complex structural and societal issues, highligh7ng that widening access (WA) selec7on pathways into medicine are highly context dependent. While much literature on WA pathways exists, to date this is limited to small, mostly descrip7ve, single-site studies; hence there is a need for more robust and theory-driven approaches to yield transferable findings. This realist review sought to develop explanatory theory on designing and implemen7ng selec7on pathways that successfully widen access to medicine and increase cohort diversity.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationAustralia
PublisherUCAT ANZ Consortium
Number of pages89
Publication statusPublished - 2024


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