Young Newly Arrived Migrants and Refugees in Australia: Using Digital Storytelling Practices to Capture Settlement Experiences and Social Cohesion

Peter Bansel, Nida Denson, Emma Keltie, Lilly Moody, Georgina Theakstone

Research output: Book/Research ReportResearch report


This report presents the findings of a research project capturing the settlement experiences and social cohesion of newly arrived young migrants and refugees, and how these young people transition into Australian communities. This project was conducted by the Young and Well CRC, and aimed to gather information on the experiences of young migrants and refugees aged 12-25 years of age who currently live in Australia. This project had two broad aims. The first aim was to provide a snapshot of the experiences and personal narratives of young migrant and refugee youth. The second aim was to give young migrants and refugees an opportunity to contribute to the development of community and professional resources that will lead to greater awareness of the needs of newly arrived migrants and refugees in the wider community.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationAbbotsford, Vic.
PublisherYoung and Well Cooperative Research Centre
Number of pages34
ISBN (Print)9781741084108
Publication statusPublished - 2016


  • immigrants
  • youth
  • social integration
  • digital storytelling
  • Australia


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