Zinc-rich zincolibethenite from Broken Hill, New South Wales

Peter A. Williams, Peter Leverett, William D. Birch, David E. Hibbs, Uwe Kolitsch, Tamara Mihajlovic

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


    Zinc-rich zincolibethenite with the empirical formula (Zn1.06CuO.94) 2.00 [(P1.02As0.01) 1.03 O4]OH (simplified formula (Zn,Cu)2PO4OH), occurs in ferruginous gossan from the No 3 lens, 280 RL level, Block 14 open cut, Broken Hill, New South Wales, Australia, associated with corkite-hinsdalite, tsumebite, pyromorphite, sampleite, torbernite, dufrenite, strengite and beraunite. Zinc-rich libethenite and olivenite are also associated with the zone, together with members of the libethenite-olivenite series. It is possible that solid solution in the phosphate series extends to the orthorhombic polymorph of composition Zn2P040H. The crystal structure of a Broken Hill sample has been refined to R1(F) =0.0227 (single-crystal X-ray intensity data; a =8.323(1), b=8.251(1), c=5.861(1) A, V = 402.5(1) A3; structural formula Zn(Cu0.94Zn0.06)[(P0.98As0.02)O4]OH). Detailed physical and chemical data are presented, some of which supplement the partially incomplete data for type zincolibethenite from Zambia.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages5
    JournalAustralian Journal of Mineralogy
    Publication statusPublished - 2006


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