Zone of the Marvellous: In Search of the Antipodes

Martin Edmond

    Research output: Creative WorksTextual Works


    Imaginative and cerebral, this volume recounts the fantastic history of the Antipodes—namely Australia and New Zealand—from the Western perspective over the course of the past five millennia. Tracing the fiction underlying the fact in the tales of, among others, Marco Polo, John Mandeville, and Thomas More, this remarkable compilation explores the imagination of travelers, writers, map-makers, charlatans, and rogues who dreamed of other worlds. Delving into the Australian character and the New Zealand psyche, this account also conveys an insightful glimpse into Western history.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationN.Z.
    PublisherAuckland University Press
    Size258 pages
    Publication statusPublished - 2009


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