Making Hanzi learnable for nonbackground beginning learners : an action research study in a primary school in Australia

  • Yong Tong

Western Sydney University thesis: Doctoral thesis


Hanzi plays an important role in Chinese language. However, many learners find it hard to learn and to recognise, especially young nonbackground beginning learners. This study aimed at making Hanzi learnable to nonbackground beginning learners in Western Sydney, Australia. To achieve this goal, a suitable Hanzi pedagogy should be established and refined; and proper scaffolding strategies should be used in assisting students' Hanzi learning. The following three research questions were posed in this study: 1. Which Hanzi teaching pedagogy is suitable for nonbackground beginning learners in Western Sydney public schools? 2. What scaffolding strategies should be used to assist students' Hanzi learning? 3. What activities are suitable for Hanzi learning in terms of its pronunciation, form, and meaning? To answer these questions, an activity-based Hanzi teaching pedagogy was established and tested in a two-cycle action research project and refined after Cycle 1. The data shows that activity-based Hanzi teaching effectively engaged students and helped their Hanzi learning. Students learned Hanzi well through activities, and they remembered and recognised the meaning of Hanzi weeks after learning. In Cycle 1, oral language was integrated with activity-based Hanzi teaching, but the data shows that oral language was of limited help in Hanzi learning. The data shows that Hanzi can be more efficiently taught without integrating oral language as the pictographic and ideographic nature of Hanzi determines that Hanzi should be taught in a direct and systematic way. Cycle 2 further demonstrated the effectiveness of the activity-based Hanzi teaching when the teaching focus shifted from oral language to Hanzi itself. Thus, it is suitable to use activity-based Hanzi teaching to teach Hanzi directly and collectively through a series of activities. Useful scaffolding strategies such as questioning, giving feedback, and engaging learners' prior knowledge were identified in the two-cycle action research. Some activities such as chanting, and calligraphy writing used in activity-based Hanzi teaching were found useful in Hanzi writing, form, and meaning recognition. However, students tended to forget the pronunciation of Hanzi after a while, even when the related activities were completed successfully at the time. Further studies are invited to improve this activity-based Hanzi teaching pedagogy.
Date of Award2018
Original languageEnglish


  • Chinese characters
  • second language acquisition
  • Chinese language
  • study and teaching (primary)
  • English speakers
  • Australia

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