Nasser's guardianship over Arab unity and the Palestinians between 1952 and 1970

  • Ridzal N. Syarif

Western Sydney University thesis: Master's thesis


The objective of this thesis will be to examine in detail, the infrequent notion of political guardianship within the Middle East, and how Nasser's ideational development led him in becoming the guardian of the Arab and Palestinian causes. The foundations of Nasser's rise, and his constant quest to propitiate the Arab people through political guardianship over the Palestinians will be investigated as overlapping endeavors within his overarching pan-Arabist vision. In fact, the ideas of anti-imperialism, Arab solidarity, and the Palestinian cause, are all inextricably linked to Nasser's notion of pan-Arabist nationalism-all of which will converge under Nasser's ideation of Arab unity. Nasser's foundational ideation of Arab unity remains a constant force in his presidential tenure, despite seemingly deviating from his pan-Arabist objective-due to the regional Arab contentions. What this thesis will reveal is that, in light of Nasser's actions, he held a genuine commitment to the Arab cause, as the Arab condition was a shared regional experience following the era of colonial influences. Implicit in Nasser's commitment is that, since the Arab sentiment fueled Nasser's political outlook, his political vocations-anti-imperialism, pan-Arabism, and the Palestinian cause-can be seen as true expressions of the aspirations of the Arab peoples.
Date of Award2022
Original languageEnglish


  • Nasser
  • Gamal Abdel
  • 1918-1970
  • political leadership
  • panarabism
  • anti-imperialist movements
  • Middle East
  • Palestinian Arabs
  • politics and government
  • 20th century

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