Saudi female students' motivation to learn English as a foreign language : a study of intermediate and secondary school female students in Saudi Arabia

  • Rasha Al Shaye

Western Sydney University thesis: Doctoral thesis


Motivation has been an important research topic because of its significance in understanding the reasons that drive learners to make certain choices and to devote time and effort in pursuing them. Research targeting motivation in the foreign language learning field has been a significant part of the motivation research area and has indicated that the learner's motivation is a key variable associated with being successful in language learning. The present research aims to address some of the challenges and limitations in the field of English learning motivation, focusing particularly on female students in Saudi Arabia. The focus of the present research has been primarily on who studies what language and where. Thus, this research is expected to add an understanding to the social dimension of research in motivation. This study will also contribute to the methodological form of researching motivation since it adapts a number of motivational theories in order to investigate the factors that influence the Saudi female students' motivational orientations. Targeting 3rd year Intermediate (9th grade) and 3rd year Secondary (12th grade) Saudi female students, this study examines fourteen scales (integrative motivation, instrumental motivation, task orientation, effort orientation, competition orientation, praise orientation, self-concept, value. of learning English language, interest in learning English language, family encouragement, English language teacher evaluation, language use anxiety, general educational aspiration, and career aspiration) and how they differ between grades. Survey data from female students from two schools in Riyadh (N=200) were analysed along with classroom observations and semi-structured interviews. Results indicated that 12th graders were higher than 9th graders in instrumental motivation, self-concept, value, task, effort, interest, praise, general educational aspiration and career aspiration but lower in integrative motivation and language use anxiety. These differential patterns imply that those fourteen scales are significantly related to learners' motivation in learning the English language but these relations can be quite different at various developmental stages when the students' goals of learning change. The findings will lead to a better understanding of developmental issues which are important factors to consider for effective English language instruction. Since motivation has an important influence on foreign language learning, teachers and curriculum designers should consider new methods to develop and maintain these scales to optimise English language learning outcomes for learners such as the Saudi girls in this research.
Date of Award2013
Original languageEnglish


  • motivation in education
  • English language
  • study and teaching (secondary)
  • foreign speakers
  • high school girls
  • Saudi Arabia

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