The emergence and development of the Shi'ite Ḥadīth canon

  • Ali Hammoud

Western Sydney University thesis: Master's thesis


The past twenty years have witnessed an upsurge in research centred on critical analysis of the Shi'ite H?adi th canon, known as the Kutub al-Arba'ah. Little research however, has explored the emergence of the term Kutub al-Arba'ah. To this end, this thesis aims to detail the emergence of the term Kutub al-Arba'ah, and its subsequent usage and development in history. This will enable not only a greater understanding of the canonical texts, but also illuminate the pivotal role played by the Kutub alArba'ah in debates on authority in post-ghayba Twelver Shi?ism.
Date of Award2018
Original languageEnglish


  • Shiite literature
  • canon (literature)
  • Islam and literature
  • Islam
  • terminology
  • Arabic
  • etymology

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